As you might know, you can use any delimiter to use the search/replace feature of sed to avoid extreme escaping of slashes.
~/ sed -r -e 's@' < input.file > output.file
As you might know, you can use any delimiter to use the search/replace feature of sed to avoid extreme escaping of slashes.
~/ sed -r -e 's@' < input.file > output.file
um den output type einer agavi action auch nach dem routing zu ändern, kann man innerhalb der action den output type überschreiben.
/** * assume that 'html' is the standard GET output for this action * when this action is called via POST you want to change the output type to 'json' * because on error or success you want to show small messages per json instead full html */ public function executeRead(AgaviRequestDataHolder $rd) { return 'Input'; } public function executeWrite(AgaviRequestDataHolder $rd) { $this->getContainer()->setOutputType($this->getContext()->getController()->getOutputType('json')); try { // do POST stuff } catch(Exception $e) { $this->setAttribute('message', $e->getMessage()); return 'Error'; } return 'Success'; }
Um bestimmte Agavi output_types bei speziellen routings zu bedienen kann man die routing.xml wie folgt anpassen.
<!-- cut out leading slash --> <route name="slasher" pattern="^/" stop="false" imply="true" cut="true" /> <!-- match ajax calls with special http header --> <route pattern="XMLHttpRequest" source="_SERVER[HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH]" stop="false" output_type="ajax" /> <!-- match json calls with special http header --> <route pattern="application/json" source="_SERVER[HTTP_ACCEPT]" stop="false" output_type="json" /> <!-- cut out special pointer --> <route name="portal" pattern="^({portal:[a-zA-Z]{3}}/)?" stop="false" imply="true" cut="true"> <callbacks> <callback class="RoutingCallback" /> </callbacks> </route>