Debugging Deployment Linux MySQL Server Shell

Search / Replace with SED without escaping slashes

As you might know, you can use any delimiter to use the search/replace feature of sed to avoid extreme escaping of slashes.

~/ sed -r -e 's@http://google.com/@http://example.com/@g' < input.file > output.file
Agavi Frameworks Javascript PHP

agavi output type overwrite in action

um den output type einer agavi action auch nach dem routing zu ändern, kann man innerhalb der action den output type überschreiben.

 * assume that 'html' is the standard GET output for this action
 * when this action is called via POST you want to change the output type to 'json'
 * because on error or success you want to show small messages per json instead full html
    public function executeRead(AgaviRequestDataHolder $rd)
        return 'Input';

    public function executeWrite(AgaviRequestDataHolder $rd)
            // do POST stuff
        catch(Exception $e)
            $this->setAttribute('message', $e->getMessage());
            return 'Error';
        return 'Success';
Agavi Frameworks XML

Agavi routing specials

Um bestimmte Agavi output_types bei speziellen routings zu bedienen kann man die routing.xml wie folgt anpassen.

<!-- cut out leading slash -->
<route name="slasher" pattern="^/" stop="false" imply="true" cut="true" />

<!-- match ajax calls with special http header -->
<route pattern="XMLHttpRequest" source="_SERVER[HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH]" stop="false" output_type="ajax" />

<!-- match json calls with special http header -->
<route pattern="application/json" source="_SERVER[HTTP_ACCEPT]" stop="false" output_type="json" />

<!-- cut out special pointer -->
<route name="portal" pattern="^({portal:[a-zA-Z]{3}}/)?" stop="false" imply="true" cut="true">
        <callback class="RoutingCallback" />